Depositary Receipts Survey
Executive Summary
Asset Benchmark Research has conducted the Depositary Receipts Survey where it asks over a hundred clients from depositary receipts banks. It gathers the views of the hard-to-reach group of depositary receipts issuers on a host of key issues and concerns along with assessing the performance of their service providers.
As Asia continues to be the driving force behind new issuances, depositary receipts remain as relevant as ever despite seeing some difficult times. The survey sheds some light on the experience of depositary receipts issuers, their priorities and pain points as well as their level of satisfaction, making year-on-year comparisons and highlighting the most notable changes.
Because Asset Benchmark Research works with depositary receipts banks in the region to ensure the participation of their most important clients, the Depositary Receipts Survey has seen the participation of some of the largest companies in the region. Over 55 percent of participating companies had a market capitalization of over US$1 billion.
The Depositary Receipts Survey works closely with and seeks out the assistance of the largest depositary receipts banks in the region which advise their clients to respond to an online questionnaire kept open on
The questions for the survey were crafted by the content specialists and are agreed upon at the outset among participating banks. Strict reviews for double counting and authenticity are performed after the time period closes.